Chrysopinae ID 6

For the remaining Chrysopinae species, you need to look at features of the wing and the wing venation.

To start with, you need to look at the wing length and shape of the costal margin.

Shape of costal margin and length of the wing. Photographs: T. Rintala and T. Lehto (left and right) (CC BY 4.0)

If your wing margin is straight and the forewing is less than 16 mm see below, if your wing is concave and straight an over 16 mm or greater click here.

For a straight costal margin and wing less than 16 mm your options are:

Apertochrysa flavifrons, Cunctochrysa cosmia, Cunctochrysa albolineata, Chrysopidia ciliata

To further refine your options you can look at the colour of the basal costal crossvein and the crossvein SCRCV (basal subcostal radial crossvein).

Colour of basal costal crossvein and SCRCV. Photograph: T. Rintala and T. Lehto (top) (CC BY 4.0)

If the basal costal crossvein is pale and SCRCV is dark see below, if your basal costal crossvein is dark and SCRCV is usually pale (can be dark) click here.

Cunctochrysa albolineata

This species has a pale basal costal crossvein and dark SCRCV, other diagnostic features are given in the below image. With this, and other similar species, you need to look at the hairs on the costal crovssveins to help with identification.

Defining features of Cunctochrysa albolineata. Photograph: T. Rintala and T. Lehto (CC BY 4.0)

Chrysopidia ciliata

Again the hairs on the costal crossveins are a useful diagnostic feature as well as an absence of a pale thoracic stripe.

Defining features of Chrysopidia ciliata. Photograph: T. Rintala and T. Lehto (CC BY 4.0)

If the basal costal crossvein is dark and the SCRCV is usually pale (can often be dark) see below.

Apertochrysa flavifrons

Defining features are shown below, check all four wings if you have trouble locating the dark spot at the base of the Costa.

Defining features of Apertochrysa flavifrons.

Cunctochrysa cosmia

Diagnostic features shown below, this species does not have spots at the base of the Costa.

Defining features of Cunctochrysa cosmia. Photograph: Dobosz and Junkiert (2018).

For insects with a concave or straight wing and wing length 16mm or over, your options are:

Nineta flava, Nineta pallida, Nineta inpunctata

If your wing costal margin is concave (see below image) you have Nineta flava, see below. If it is straight click here.

Concave and straight costal wing margins. Photograph: T. Rintala and T. Lehto (left and right) (CC BY 4.0)

Nineta flava

The concave costal margin is very distinctive for this species, this is more obvious in males and less obvious in females, so care is needed.

Defining features of Nineta flava.

For insects with a straight costal margin, you have two options:

Nineta pallida and Nineta inpunctata

Nineta pallida

Defining features of the species in the image below.

Defining features of Nineta pallida

Nineta inpunctata

Defining features of the species below. There is only one record of this species therefore if you find this species please retain a voucher specimen.

Defining features of Nineta inpunctata. Photograph: T. Rintala and T. Lehto (CC BY 4.0)